Pink Code
“Emergency Pink Code” Project – Support interventions in hospitals and activation of programs for exiting violence
As early as 1996, the World Health Organization indicated a list of damages and pathological conditions that can be detected in women victims of violence. Researches carried out by Differenza Donna, in cooperation with the women supported and sheltered in our Centres, have evidenced the existence of traumas and lesions directly linked to physical abuses, but also short and long-term damages such as the onset of psychological and physical illnesses. The data resulting from our researches have proved virtually identical to those recorded by the WHO.
In 1996 Differenza Donna launched several health-related actions, such as researches, training events, and workshops held at various healthcare institutes within the province of Rome, to raise awareness and train healthcare professionals in the field of gender-based violence. It also set up dedicated helpdesks inside hospitals and other health facilities. Over the years, Differenza Donna has also promoted the Emergency Pink Code project, targeted at the early detection and prompt intervention in cases of domestic violence on women and children.
The project includes a number of integrated anti-violence interventions to be issued on-site, in parallel with the A&E triage, to guarantee a fast track to treatment. The project has been active since 2008 in cooperation with social workers and the staff of the A&E ward of the Policlinico Umberto I Hospital in Rome and of the national health service (ASL) district RMD, and later with the staff of national health service district RMC. Today, the project is also active at the G.B. Grassi hospital in Ostia and the Padre Pio hospital in Bracciano.
The goal of our Emergency Pink Code service is to provide a quick and appropriate response to each particular case, through the activation of an emergency program involving:
➔ Fast diagnosis and treatment
➔ Psychological and social intervention
➔ Notification to police force, law courts, local social services
➔ Placement in secure shelters
Moreover, the Pink Code ensures targeted women receive advice and guidance for a real and feasible exit from violence, as well as the legal support of Differenza Donna’s qualified lawyers. Finally, in case of necessity, emergency short-term sheltering in one of our Centres is provided.
PINK CODE HELPDESKS run by Differenza Donna:
POLICLINICO UMBERTO I HOSPITAL, ROME (RM) / Monday to Friday 9-13, tel. 3461805605
G.B. GRASSI HOSPITAL, OSTIA (RM) / Monday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday 9.30-13.30, tel. 3495116624
PADRE PIO HOSPITAL, BRACCIANO (RM) / Monday 10.00-14.00, Wednesday 14.00-18.00, tel. 3425229259
SAN PAOLO HOSPITAL, CIVITAVECCHIA (RM) / Tuesday 12.00-16.00, Thursday 9.00-13.00, tel. 3425229259
SAN GIOVANNI EVANGELISTA HOSPITAL, TIVOLI (RM) Wednesday 9,30-13,30 tel. 342 0141671
LEOPOLDO PARODI DELFINO HOSPITAL, COLLEFERRO (RM) Tuesday 9,30-13,30 tel. 342 0141671
POLICLINICO TOR VERGATA Wednesday and Friday 9.30-13.30 tel. 331.2341213 active every day 24h
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