The Differenza Donna Centers Against Domestic Violence are the main instruments through which the association Differenza Donna prevents and fights gender-based violence.
By ‘fighting’ we mean a whole host of activities that overall aim at leading women who have experienced gender-based violence to rediscover their identities, their values, and competencies, so as to find once again the will to build a new life.
In our centers, women from any country, culture, and religion receive support and, if necessary, shelter. Our capital is the motivation, expertise, and experience of our professional workers. Our best investments are the projects of freedom we set up and make happen.
Our centers are places of well-being because they are comfortable; because every woman is listened to with competence and attention; because all our guests can enjoy a number of services; because children are attended to with care; because friendships are born here that can last a lifetime; because women can exchange experiences and get to know each others’ traditions, cultures, and religion; because it is always possible to bake a cake together… And because we throw a party for every birthday!
We do not envision our centers as places that provide aid, because we are convinced that all forms of aid do not solve problems, but leave them unchanged, ready to reappear as soon as the help ceases. We aim instead at empowering all supported or sheltered women, giving them back the control over their own lives – lives that become enriched by the special experience of conquering their own self-sufficiency, a necessary step to project themselves into a free and independently chosen future. Women who are free to choose, who have a strong identity, who are capable of critically analyzing relationships, and are aware of their own potential, are an asset for society as a whole.
Our centers offer the following free services:
• 24 hours Telephone Helpline
• Shelter for women and their children
• Parenting Support
• Legal, social and psychological advice
• Stalking helpline
• Network actions with local services (schools, hospitals, medical centers etc.)
• Network actions with institutions (municipality, province, courts etc.)
• Cultural mediation
• Self-help groups
• Supervised Parent/Child Contact Services
• Baby garden
Women’s Shelter and Center for Women Who Want to Exit Violence – Lazio Regional Government
Viale di Villa Pamphili 71/C, 00152 Rome
tel. 06.5810926/06.58332575 - fax 06.5811473
1992: The Center Against Domestic Violence of the Province of Rome, managed by Differenza Donna NGO, is set up. Since then, it has supported more than 600 women each year. The evidence and the efficiency of our positive management have made the Center an example of excellent service at local, national, and international levels, and a point of reference for women who have experienced violence as well as for workers, professionals, and politicians who are involved in combating gender-based violence.
The center offers the following specialized services:
- 24 hours Telephone Helpline
- Shelter for women and their children
- Parenting Support
- Legal, social and psychological advice
- Stalking helpline
- Network actions with local services (schools, hospitals, medical centers etc.)
- Network actions with institutions (municipality, province, courts etc.)
- Cultural mediation
- Self-help groups
- Supervised Parent/Child Contact Services
- Baby garden
Anti-violence Center of the Municipality of Rome "Donatella Colasanti and Rosaria Lopez"
Via di Torre Spaccata, 157 00169 Rome
tel 0623269049 tel 0623269053 tel 0623269079
Born in the year 2000, the Center was named after Donatella Colasanti and Rosaria Lopez, two young victims of brutal sexual violence in a villa in Circeo in 1975. The violence led to the death of Rosaria and trauma without remedy for Donatella.
The Center offers the following specialized services:
• 24 hours Telephone Helpline, every day of the year
• Shelter for women at greater risk and their children
• legal, social, psychological advice
• initiation of procedures with local services (schools, hospitals, counseling centers, etc.) and with institutions (Municipality, Region, Juvenile Court, Civil, and Criminal Court)
• school and intercultural mediation
• spaces for redesigning personal paths
• job counseling
• self-help groups
• ALBA antistalking counter
“Prendere il Volo” - Women’s Center and Shelter for Women who are Victim of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation
Via Monte delle Capre 23, 00148 Rome
tel.06.6570473 – fax 06.65746819
2004: The center “Prendere il Volo” (“Taking off”) is set up, thanks to the funding of the Department for Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers. It offers support services that are specifically targeted to women who have been victims of trafficking (according to article 18 D. Lgs n. 286/1998 and article 13 D. Legge n. 228/2003.). From 2016 on, the center has kept supporting and giving shelter to women victims of trafficking as part of the “Lazio Anti-Trafficking Network” project, funded by the Department for Equal Opportunities.
The center offers the following specialized services:
- Secure shelter for 5 women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation
- Support in applying for a residency permit, according to article18 D. Lgs n. 286/1998, and in all administrative and bureaucratic procedures
- Health services aimed at prevention and treatment
- Personalized projects for social and professional reintegration
- Legal advice and representation in court
- Psychological and social counseling
- Job orientation
- Psychological and Physical rehabilitation
- 24 hours helpline
As of 2013, Differenza Donna is part of the National Anti-Trafficking Programme; it has participated as expert in the National Observatory on prostitution and associated crimes, which was established on 24th January 2007 within the Department of Public Safety, with the aim of researching how to better prevent and combat the phenomenon of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, improving and enhancing the provisions of aid and protection for the victims.
"Libera da, Libera per" - Center for migrant women and women victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation asylum seekers
Via Pompeo Magno, 6 00192 Roma
tel. 0687763165 cell. 342 0462991
"Irma Bandiera" Anti-violence Center financed by Roma Capitale
Via Cornelio Sisenna, 53 00169 Rome
tel. 0693567964
The Center is operational since March 2018 and works in synergy with local authorities and institutions to guarantee a sensitive and aware context, capable of concretely support women in the exit of violence, with all respect and guarantee of their privacy and anonymity.
The Center offers the following specialized services:
- 24-hour Telephone Helpline
- Support interviews
- Legal advice
- Emotional-relational support
- Orientation towards social and health services
- Guidance and job counseling
"Alda Merini" Anti-Violence Center financed by Roma Capitale
Via Cassia, 5 00135 Rome
cell. 338 4715860
The Center works in network and synergy with local authorities and institutions to guarantee a sensitive and aware context capable of concretely supporting women who have suffered violence and guaranteeing their privacy and anonymity.
The Center offers the following specialized services:
- 24-hour Telephone Helpline
- Support interviews
- Legal advice
- Emotional-relational support
- Orientation to social and health services
- Guidance and job counseling
"Alessia e Martina Capasso" Anti-Violence Center financed by Roma Capitale
Circonvallazione Trionfale, 19 00195 Rome
Hours: Monday 9am-4pm, Tuesday 9am-4pm, Wednesday 9am-4pm, Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4pm.
Telephone numbers
tel. 06.69617913 tel. 06.69617873 h 24.00 331 649 3913
The Center works in network and synergy with the bodies and institutions of the territory to ensure a sensitive and aware context able to support women who have suffered violence, guaranteeing their privacy and anonymity.
The Center offers the following specialized services
- Telephone helpline 7 days a week H24
- Support interviews
- Legal advice
- Emotional-relational support
- Orientation to social and health services
- Guidance and job counseling
Center Against Domestic Violence "Elena Gianini Belotti" financed by DISCO (Regional public body for the right to study and the promotion of knowledge in Lazio)
Via Columbia 1, Rome
The Anti-Violence Center is located within the Macroarea of Humanities of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Building A, 1st Floor, room P5B.
Phone: 06 72595184
Cell phone: 347 8547714 24H Telephone Helpline
Opening Hours:
• Monday 9-16 • Tuesday 9-16 • Wednesday 9-16 • Thursday 9-17 • Friday 9-16
The Center offers the following specialized services:
- Telephone counseling
- Counseling by appointment
- Risk assessment
- Support to pathways out of violence
- Awareness-raising and prevention activities on gender-based violence, particularly concerning digital violence
- Legal counseling
- Network actions with Institutions, Social and Health Services, Law Enforcement, Courts, Private social
All services are provided by the qualified operators of Differenza Donna for free and guarantee the anonymity and privacy of women who come to them.
"Palmina Martinelli" Anti-violence Center financed by Department for Equal Opportunities - Roma Capitale
Via dei Gozzadini 38, Rome
340 593 1402 - 24H Telephone Helpline, also available via Whatsapp
The Center works in network and synergy with local authorities and institutions to guarantee shelter and support to all women who undertake a pathway out of violence.
The Center offers the following specialized services:
- 24H Telephone counseling
- Counseling by appointment
- Counseling also for minor daughters and sons
- Support to maternage
- Antistalking desk
- Legal, social and psychological counseling
- Network actions with local services (schools, hospitals, medical centers etc.)
- Network actions with institutions (municipality, province, courts etc.)
- Job Orientation
All services are provided by the qualified operators of Differenza Donna for free and guarantee the anonymity and privacy of women who come to them.
Center Against Domestic Violence "La Sibilla"
Via Lione 11, 00019 TIVOLI (RM)
tel. 0774/013163, Mobile 342 0141671 available 24 hours a day
The "La Sibilla" Center will also be present in the Municipalities of:
VICOVARO - every Tuesday, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at the Presidio Sanitario in Largo Cesare Battisti (Via Roma 33 car park)
SAMBUCI - every Thursday, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm inside Castello Theodoli in Piazza di Corte, 8
Center Against Domestic Violence "Galassia"
Via XX Settembre, 2 - 00060 Formello (RM)
Cell phone 342 5229259 available 24 hours a day, centroantiviolenza@consorziovalledeltevere.it
Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00 (Thursday from 9.00 to 17.00)
The Center offers the following specialized services:
- 24-hour Telephone Helpline
- Interviews by appointment
- Risk assessment
- Support for ways out of violence
- Legal advice
- Network with institutions, social and health services, law enforcement agencies, courts, and private companies
All services are provided by the qualified operators of Differenza Donna for free and guarantee the anonymity and privacy of women who come to them.
Center Against Domestic Violence Aretusa – supporting women from the Piano Sociale S10 area– Atena Lucana (SA)
Via Stazione (ex scuola dell'infanzia ) Atena Lucana Scalo (SA)
tel. 0975 1966166 - free number 800413300
antiviolenzaaretusa@pec.pianosociales10.it; cavaretusa@gmail.com
The center offers the following specialized services:
- Assistance
- 24-hour Telephone Helpline
- Interviews by appointment
- Risk assessment
- Support in exiting violence
- Legal advice
- Network actions with local institutions, health services, police force, law courts, and private associations.
All services are provided free of charge by Differenza Donna qualified professionals and guarantee full anonymity and privacy to all women using the service.
"Leucosia" Antiviolence Center of Salerno
Via F. Patella, 10 CAP 84123 Salerno
tel. 089 948 5269 cell. 340 8339000 cavleucosia@differencedonna.it
The Center was launched with funding from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Department for Family Policies as part of the "Dammi la Mano" project, a path of resilience and support for boys and girls who witness domestic violence and for orphans of femicide.
The Center offers the following specialized services:
- telephone assistance
- interviews by appointment
- risk assessment
- support for ways out of violence
- legal advice
- specialized reception for boys, girls, and adolescents who have witnessed violence as well as orphans of femicide;
- work in a network with institutions, social and health services, law enforcement agencies, courts, private companies.
All services are provided by qualified operators of Differenza Donna, free of charge, and with the total guarantee to the anonymity and privacy of women who come to them.
"Anna Borsa" Antiviolence Center financed by the S4 Zone Social Plan
Via Torino 46 - Pontecagnano Faiano (SA)
Open Monday to Friday 10 a.m. - 4p.m., cavambitos4@differenzadonna.it - mobile 344 3400016 h24
The Center offers the following specialized services:
- telephone assistance
- interviews by appointment
- risk assessment
- support for ways out of violence
- legal advice
- specialized reception for boys, girls, and adolescents who have witnessed violence as well as orphans of femicide;
- work in a network with institutions, social and health services, law enforcement agencies, courts, private companies.
All services are provided by qualified operators of Differenza Donna, free of charge, and with the total guarantee to the anonymity and privacy of women who come to them.
"Franca Viola" Semiautonomy House
The Semiautonomy House managed by Differenza Donna is located within the Municipality of Rome V. It arises from the need to offer hospitality and shelter for single women or women with children, in exit from the Anti-violence Centers. The Semiautonomy House allows them to complete a path oriented towards the full achievement of one's autonomy and empowerment.
The operational goals of Casa Franca Viola are to:
- Provide housing for a maximum of 1 year for women who have emerged from situations of violence and are in the process of achieving complete autonomy
- Strengthen the training and professional path through the acquisition of professional and interpersonal skills, as well as the achievement of economic autonomy
- Support and strengthen parental responsibility
- Develop the autonomy process for the construction of a life project
- Support social and territorial integration for the mother-child unit
"Politeia" Semiautonomy House
The Semiautonomy House managed by Differenza Donna is located within the Municipality of Rome VI. It arises from the need to offer hospitality and shelter for 2 women with their children, in exit from the Anti-violence Centers. The Semiautonomy House allows them to complete a path oriented towards the full achievement of one's autonomy and empowerment.
2020 - Management of the free anti-violence and stalking number 1522.
Since July 2020, Differenza Donna has managed the national number 1522, activated in 2006 by the Department for Equal Opportunities - Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The aim is to develop a broad system of actions to bring out and fight the phenomenon of violence against women, in and outside the family. The number 1522 is active 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It is accessible from all over the country for free, both from a landline and mobile network. The response is available in various languages, by telephone, and via chat, with the guarantee of anonymity. The specialized women operators dedicated to the service provide an initial response to the needs of victims of gender-based violence and stalking, offering useful information and guidance towards the Anti-violence Centers, as well as public or private social and health services within the national territory.
All information available on the website www.1522.eu
Helpdesk against multiple discriminations
2014: Differenza Donna launches a helpdesk for disabled women experiencing multiple discriminations.
Our helpdesk offers support to disabled women who experience or have experienced violence. When it comes to disabled women, a number of gender issues, among which gender-based violence, are still understudied due to cultural and social barriers as well as stereotypes and prejudices. Gender-based violence on disabled women has little social resonance, although these women’s very vulnerability is a factor of greater risk.
A number of civilized countries have advanced proposals that deny disabled women their right to be mothers and, indirectly, their right to sexuality, such as forced sterilization. Sobsey (1990) individuates 5 myths that help us better understand the victimization of disabled women: 1) de-humanization: disabled women are considered less “human” and inferior in comparison with able-bodied women; accordingly, gender-based violence against them receives less consideration. 2) the social perception of disabled women as “damaged good”; 3) the widespread perception that disabled women “do not feel pain” or pleasure; 4) the fact that in some cases, disabled women are experienced as a “social threat”; 5) the fact that, in other cases, they are experienced as “needy” and therefore as easy targets.
Some recent European recommendations (Ocse – Closing the Gender gap, 2012; EuropeanDisability Forum, end Manifesto on the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities in the European Union, 2011) stress the need to include specific practices against gender-based violence on disabled women within policies that prevent and combat gender-based violence. 16% of the total female EU population are disabled. About 40 million women and girls are disabled, and gender-based violence is the first cause of death or invalidity for women between 15 and 44 years of age.